Usage Policy

  • Sezincote View is limited to a maximum of two dogs per booking.

  • Batsford Outlook is limited to a maximum of four dogs per booking.

  • If you wish to book for more than four dogs please contact us to arrange this.

  • Please do not arrive to your session any more than five minutes before your slot commences and ensure you have vacated at the end of your session.

  • If the previous user is still in the field when your slot commences, please remain in the car, and contact us on the below number if they do not vacate in good time, turn your engine off to avoid excessive noise and pollution whilst you wait.

  • Dogs must be kept on leads in the car park.

  • Please ensure you pick up all dog mess and put in the bins provided.

  • Do not allow your dog to dig holes, particularly around the boundary.

  • Should you notice any damage or litter during your visit please report this to us at the earliest opportunity.

  • If your dog (or another pet residing in your house) is sick (e.g. diarrhoea, vomiting, kennel cough) you must reschedule your booking and not come to the field.  If this becomes apparent during your booking, please leave immediately.

  • All dogs must be vaccinated, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure all dogs visiting the site have up-to-date vaccinations.

  • Dogs should not be left unattended at any time.

  • Slots cannot be shared; each field can only be occupied by one party at a time.

  • If your dog is unsettled and begins barking excessively, please make every effort to distance them from the trigger.

  • We suggest if your dog is prone to barking you book the field farthest from the residential properties.

  • If your dog is in the banned breeds category please read our policy on this here.

    Failure to adhere to the above rules will result in future bookings being refused.

    We reserve the right to terminate any booking during the session should policy not be adhered to.