Terms and Conditions

What this document covers and why you must read it!

These are terms and conditions on which we permit you to book and use Fosseway Fields. By booking with us, you are accepting these terms and agreeing to abide by our field rules and regulations.

Should you have any queries about these terms and conditions, please contact us via email:


“We/us” – Fosseway Fields Limited: address any employers or subcontractors

“Fosseway Fields”– meaning any the field or fields you have booked at Parkers Lane, Moreton

“you” - meaning you, the individual, business or organisation that has booked the field

“the dog/s” – means the dog or dogs that use Fosseway Fields during your booking – whether they are yours or not

About Us

We are Fosseway Fields Limited

You can contact us via: info@fossewayfields.co.uk or on 07340 587065.

Our Contract with You

 When you make a booking with us, whether it’s via the booking site, phone, email or any other method, we’re entering into an agreement – ‘a contract’ (in legal terms). This contract is subject to these terms and conditions and because we may update them or change them at any point in time, we ask you to review them each time you make a booking.

(Any dispute or claim concerning this contract between us, or anything arising from it, will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales).

  • We take payment at the time of booking and until the payment has been made and e-mail confirmation received, your booking is not confirmed

  • You will know the total price, including tax where applicable, prior to confirming your booking

  • Your booking is for a specific time slot on a specific date – you are only permitted to use the facility during this period

  • The booking is personal to you and may not be transferred or sublet

  • If you are making a booking on behalf of someone else and will not be attending the sessions yourself you must ensure that all parties have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.

  • Each booking is private, you will be the only user present during your timeslot and your timeslot includes the time it takes to enter and leave the field.

  • We reserve the right to refuse permission or evict you from the premises


You are using Fosseway Fields at your own risk and agree not to hold Us responsible for any losses. We have worked to minimise risks across the site but there are various hazards for you to take into account. These could include but are not limited to: uneven ground, water logging, wildlife, toxic plants and rough vegetation – all of which are things that you would commonly find in a countryside setting.  

  • We accept no liability for the death or injury, loss or damages and other claims incurred by you or anyone with you, or property, including your dogs during the use of the field.

  • We accept no liability for any sickness that arises after a visit to the field.

  • You are advised to insure your pet for all eventualities.

  • If you are using Fosseway Fields for business purposes, we accept no responsibility for any business losses.

  • Please ensure you have fully read and understood this document which covers the elements of the field and how they must be used.

Your Obligations

We expect the following from you:

  • Dogs must be kept on leads when they are not in the secure field. You may not exercise your dog outside the designated secure dog walking area.

  • Your booking does not grant you access to any other areas on the land - do not go beyond the private land signs.

  • You must clear all dog waste and place it in the bins provided.

  • Dogs should be adequately vaccinated and wormed. If your dog is showing any signs of illness do not use the field.

  • Only dogs over 11 weeks old who have completed their vaccinations are welcome to use the field - please follow your vets advice.

  • Dogs must never be left unattended in the field or tethered to anything.

  • If any dogs are left in a vehicle please closely monitor welfare and ensure they are not barking.

  • Please discourage excessive barking and keep shouting to a minimum.

  • Please take any toys home with you. They can become hazardous if mowed and cause choking hazards.

  • No children under 16 are permitted to use Fosseway Fields without an adult present. Equipment and structures are not child safe or build for human use.

  • You must respect other users and give dogs and their owners adequate space.

  • If your dog is a banned breed please review and adhere to our policy on this which can be found here.

Smoking and Vaping

Please be extremely cautious if Vaping at Fosseway Fields, vape juice can be highly toxic to dogs, any vape pens or bottles dropped could pose a risk.

Please place any cigarette butts in the bin.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Your Session

Sessions cannot be cancelled but can be rescheduled up to 24 hours before your booking.

There may be circumstances where we close the field due to reasons outside of our control. In this instance we will contact you to arrange an alternative session.

 Fencing and Field

The fencing and gates at Fosseway Fields are approximately 1.8m high.

We aim to provide a safe reassuring environment for you to exercise your dog. The fences and gates are checked regularly for any breaches or failure.

Please do not allow your dog to dig. If your dog does dig along the fence line or you notice any other breaches please call and notify us of this immediately.

Parking and Access

Parking is in the designated area and within the first field.

Do not access the field if the car park is full, wait for the current users to vacate before entering.

Our car park is for customers of Fosseway Fields at the time of booking, please avoid using our car park at other times to prevent confusion. If there is a car in the car park but you cannot see if the field is occupied please call us to be sure before entering.


CCTV is in use across the site. This is only viewed in the event of an incident.